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Sewage stinks up Adyar Poonga

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Deccan Chronicle 04.01.2010

Sewage stinks up Adyar Poonga

January 4th, 2010
By Our Correspondent

Jan. 3: The mixing of sewage in the ecologically restored water bodies of Adyar Poonga that are part of the ambitious Rs 100 crore nature restoration project of the state government on January 1 has caused widespread concern about the cooperation extended by other civic bodies to the two-year old project.

While metro water and sewage board authorities are trying to solve the problem, the people in charge of restoration are worried that their hard work over the last year may be wasted.

“Some sewer lines have broken close to the Poonga leading to mixing of sewage in fresh water bodies inside the park. The accident has led to death of aquatic life,” said an official involved in the restoration project. “The repair work is on now. We hope to restore the water bodies soon,” he said.

The incident was a major jolt to the 58-acre Poonga that is scheduled to open to the public in November. “It was hard work for over 18 months that restored the water bodies. The restoration was so good that it invited migratory birds to Adyar creek after many years,” said another restoration official requesting anonymity.

The accident has made the officials of the implementing agency of the project, Tamil Nadu Urban Development Fund, CMWSSB and Chennai Corporation are to put their heads together to avoid such accidents in future.

“I have called for a meeting of officials from Chennai corporation and CMWSSB on January 5 to avoid recurrence of such accidents,” Mr K. Phanindra Reddy, CEO, MD, TNUIFSL, told this newspaper.