Pay tax dues immediately

Tuesday, 26 March 2013 04:56 administrator

The Hindu                       26.03.2013

Pay tax dues immediately

Special Correspondent 

The Commissioner of Vellore Corporation has appealed to the public to pay their dues of property tax, profession tax, water tax, and shop rent and lease amount immediately at the Corporation’s computerised tax collection centres in the Old Corporation Building, New Corporation Building, Sarathi Mansions, Kagithapattarai, Velappadi, Kaspa, Sathuvachari, Kazhinjur, Allapuram, Gandhinagar, Virudhambut, Katpadi, Tharapadavedu, Shenbakkam, Thorapadi and Konavattam to avoid action.

The collection centres would be kept open on Saturdays and Sundays for the benefit of the public, says a release from the Commissioner.