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Governing bodies to manage community centres

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Indian Express 23.02.2010

Governing bodies to manage community centres

Express News Service Tags : corporation Posted: Tuesday , Feb 23, 2010 at 0543 hrs.

Chandigarh: The upkeep of community centres in various sectors of the city would be managed by the respective governing bodies. The decision was taken by the Arts, Culture and Sports committee of the Municipal Corporation in a meeting held today.

The proposal was mooted by councillor Chander Mukhi Sharma last month and the MC House had referred the issue to the committee concerned.

There are more than 30 community centres in the city and new ones are being constructed. Their upkeep was proving to be a problem as regular gardeners and caretakers were not appointed in each of these community centres due to which maintenance was not satisfactory.

Governing committees are created when the number of members is at least 50. The area councillor is the chairman of the committee and the other members are elected. The upkeep would be managed with the help of revenue collected from various activities including holding functions etc. The committee also decided that Baisakhi will be celebrated in which folk artists will take part and competitions of children in singing traditional cultural songs by boys and girls shall also be held.

Clash of titans
An exhibition cricket match between the cricket teams of Mayor and Municipal Commissioner would be held to promote and popularise games and sports amongst the councillors and officers of the civic body.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 February 2010 12:26