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Civic body to spread awareness on student insurance policies

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Indian Express             02.12.2010

Civic body to spread awareness on student insurance policies

Hamari Jamatia Tags : Education Committee of the MCD, life insurance scheme in collaboration with Oriental Insurance Posted: Thu Dec 02 2010, 01:25 hrs

New Delhi:  The Education Committee of the MCD has asked its councillors to help create awareness on the several insurance schemes being run for schoolchildren in its area. The MCD runs a life insurance scheme in collaboration with Oriental Insurance at a premium of just 75 paisa per year which gives the family Rs 50,000 if a students is killed or maimed in an accident at school or home.

Last week, Education Committee head Mahendra Nagpal had written to councillors, requesting them to spread awareness among the people in their wards. Nagpal said apart from life insurance, there are also policies pertaining to free eye check-ups and health. “Students and parents should be made aware of the schemes.”

In a meeting on Tuesday, the Education Committee also decided to keep a tab on teachers who do not report to school regularly. Acting in this regard, it formed an eight-member panel that would study the viability of installing biometric devices at schools and submit a report with a month. The report would have details regarding the cost of installation and the number of systems required.

The MCD had suspended 17 absentee teachers last week. “The Assistant Education Officer and Deputy Education Officer of each zone have been asked to arrange for at least one check every month,” said a senior MCD official.


Last Updated on Thursday, 02 December 2010 10:33