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Move to improve education in municipal-run primary schools

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Indian Express 28.08.2009

Move to improve education in municipal-run primary schools

The state Education Department has undertaken a concerted exercise to improve the quality of education in primary schools, especially those being run by civic bodies, in all major urban centers across Gujarat.

At a high-level meeting held in Gandhinagar a few days ago, Chief Minister Narendra Modi had made some significant suggestions to senior officials so as to improve the quality of education in primary schools in urban areas. Besides senior officials of the Education Department, the commissioners of all seven municipal corporations were present at the meet.

A senior official in the department told Newsline on Thursday that among the suggestions made by the CM at the meeting were : a review of performance of teachers who have attained the age of 50-55, involvement of NGOs and private organisations to improve the over-all functioning of municipal-run primary schools and the setting up of a committee comprising retired officials/educationists to suggest amendments in the present primary education laws.

It was also suggested at the meeting that students of municipal-run primary schools in these major cities be provided with a “Unique Identification Number” so as to track the educational records of every student and also check why he/she has dropped out of the school.

The official said Modi also emphasized that NGOs or private organisations “adopt” those municipal-run primary schools which are weak in their performance.

The schools being managed by private trusts could also be involved in improving the quality of education in municipal schools.

CM’s suggestions
* A review of performance of teachers who have attained the age of 50-55
* Involvement of NGOs and private organisations to improve the over-all functioning of municipal-run primary schools
* Setting up of a committee comprising retired officials/educationists to suggest amendments in the present primary education laws

Last Updated on Friday, 28 August 2009 11:38