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MC moots college at Manimajra

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The Indian Express   02.08.2012

MC moots college at Manimajra

 The Municipal Corporation has approved a proposal for earmarking land in Manimajra for setting up a college. With the construction of colleges not under the purview of the civic body, the proposal will be sent to the UT Administration for consideration.

Around 2 lakh people reside in Manimajra, out of the total population of 10.54 lakh of the city. Manimajra is divided into two wards due to its size. However, there is no college - government or private - that could cater to the students there. The city colleges are present in Sector 10, 11, 32, 36, 42 and 46. It has been proposed that a letter be sent to the Administration asking for a college to be built in the area. Since the land in Manimajra belongs to the Municipal Corporation the civic body would allocate some land for the purpose.

Area councillor Des Raj Gupta says the students from Manimajra have to commute a long distance to reach the colleges. “The area while houses a huge population has no college present here. It would be beneficial for the students, especially girls who find it difficult to commute everyday. MC has a lot of land available in the area. This could be identified and earmarked. A proposal would be sent to the Administration for setting up the college,” said Gupta.

The idea for setting up a college in Manimajra had earlier been floated when a comprehensive proposal for development of Pocket 8 in the area was prepared. However, the development project is on hold for the past few years after some residents went to court against it. It has now been proposed that instead of stalling the development of the area and delaying the setting up the college any further, a fresh piece of land could be identified and earmarked for the purpose. In fact the development of Pocket 8 also entailed proposals like construction of a community centre and a school. A detailed plan for this was made.

Mayor Raj Bala Malik said that there was a need to start a college in the area and the proposal will be sent to the UT. She added that while higher education is not under the the MC, the civic body would support it.
Last Updated on Thursday, 02 August 2012 11:48