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AMC school budget goes up despite fall in number of teachers, students

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The Indian Express                      11.03.2013

AMC school budget goes up despite fall in number of teachers, students

Despite a decline in number of schools, teachers as well as students over the last eight years in municipal schools, the annual Ahmedabad municipal school board budget has increased considerably every year, with a substantial raise in the last five years.

Despite a sharp decline in number of teachers and schools in last five years, both the amount and percentage of budget allocation on their salaries and pensions has remained the same. With a substantial increase in the annual budget in last five years varying between 30-45 per cent, the sanctioned budget, this year, increased from Rs 472.83 crore to Rs 651 crore, recording a highest increase of Rs 180 crore.

Comparing the figures of 2011 with the ongoing academic session (2012-13 ), the number of schools declined from 464 to 456, teachers from 4,005 to 3,589 and students from 1,60,882 to 1,60,677. Also, the number of vidyasahayaks declined from 341 to 295. Similarly, the pre-primary (below Class I) teachers declined from 47 to 39 and a decline in around students as well.

The highest allocation on administrative costs of Rs 629 crore marked in 2013-14. While the administrative costs increased had witnessed a jump from Rs 277 crore to Rs 629 crore, the allocation on students' activities dragged merely from Rs 9 crore to Rs 22 crore.

When contacted, the administrative officer of municipal school board L D Desai said, "There are three reasons for this increase in budget amount and allocation. One is the addition of new facilities with the implementation of Right to Education Act, high administrative cost due to implementation of sixth pay commission and high salaries and also a proposal for new schools in certain areas."

Despite efforts like special enrollment drive for Class I, counselling of parents carried out by the AMC school board last year, the schools failed to attract students.

With a target enrollment of 30,000 fresh admissions in entry class for the academic session 2012-13, the authorities merely achieved the mark of 16,562 students in almost a month's period. A sharp decline in enrollment of more than 10,000 students as compared to previous year.