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MCD schools to give cash, not uniforms, this winter

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Indian Express 19.11.2009

MCD schools to give cash, not uniforms, this winter

To spruce up the uniform distribution process in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi-run schools, the agency this year has planned to hand out cash to its students in place of its “problematic” tender system used to source uniforms.

The move comes after the corporation faced flak for delay in providing winter uniforms to its students.

The MCD will now give each of its 9.5 lakh students Rs 200 in lieu of uniforms, shoes and socks.

In education committee meet held in August, the MCD decided to do away with the practice of inviting bids from interested parties. Officials said the tender process posed difficulties as there is “no dedicated sub-group for the same and additional education officers and others had to ensure that all is in order”.

The MCD-run schools will now function on the model followed by the Delhi government schools.

The Mayor has already approved the decision and it will be submitted before the the Standing Committee on Thursday.

Last Updated on Thursday, 19 November 2009 11:24