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Punjab local bodies shift to e-tendering

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The Hindu      05.08.2010

Punjab local bodies shift to e-tendering

Special Correspondent

CHANDIGARH: In an effort to ensure transparency, the Department of Local Bodies in the Punjab Government has decided to introduce e-tendering for its works from September 1. This would also reduce unnecessary paper work and save time and money of contractors involved.

Disclosing this on Wednesday, State Minister for Local Government, Industries and Commerce Manoranjan Kalia said: “The e-tendering system will be implemented for various types of contracts for developmental works, procurements of goods and services in the department of local government to obtain most competitive and suitable bids.”

The Minister said the automation would drastically reduce paper work and bring down expenditure incurred on publication of large size tender notices. “The most important aspect is that contractors are no more required to come to office for tendering process. Tender documents would be available for sale and be also received online,” he said.

The State-run Punjab Infotech would provide facilitation services through partnership with ITI Limited, which is a Government of India organisation. E-tendering would be made effective in all municipal corporations, Punjab Municipal Infrastructure Development Corporation and Punjab Water Supply and Sewerage Board immediately.

While the contractors and suppliers would be required to obtain digital signatures for participation in e-tendering process, the department plans to organise workshops for training and awareness about the new system.

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 August 2010 07:15