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AMC website full of goof-ups

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The Times  of India      17.09.2010 

AMC website full of goof-ups

AHMEDABAD: If you are a resident of the newly-delimited municipal ward and think that the website of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) could come handy to know which ward your society is in, think again. This website is more likely to mislead and confuse you more than ever. Interestingly, AMC official website lists only 43 wards of the 64 that will go to poll on October 10. These 43 wards are the old wards that existed before delimitation and for which elections were held in 2005.

The AMC officials have failed to list all the wards despite the fact that these are the first election after delimitation process. The AMC has totally ignored new west zone areas and areas in the eastern part that were merged in AMC recently. Even the website of the state election commission also does not have the list of the wards on its official website.

A senior AMC official points out that even the list of voters and the population, which has been prepared recently, has glaring mistakes. The list of Bodakdev shows that the population of the area was less then the number of voters! And Bodakdev is not the only such area listed on the website. There are several other areas for which correct information is not there on the website. A senior official says that there is a possibility that there might be a change in the figures of the voters and the population in near future.