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Implement e-governance in 7 days, civic chief tells staff

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The Times of India   22.08.2012

Implement e-governance in 7 days, civic chief tells staff

NAGPUR: Though Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has completed 95% work on e-governance project and spent Rs 16 crore on it, it has not been utilizing it. Municipal commissioner Shyam Wardhane, on Tuesday pulled up officials for this and asked them to begin utilizing it in seven days starting Wednesday.The Central government had approved e-governance project on June 2, 2009, under JNNURM. NMC was to prepare 49 modules for its 61 departments.

The project was to replace paper work with computerized working so as to improve civic services along with expediting the works and maintaining transparency. Sources told TOI that Wardhane came to know of the reluctance of officials towards e-governance during a review meeting on Tuesday. "Thirty six of 49 modules are completely ready for use and also connected with the server. But departments are not using it for obvious reasons. Wardhane has directed all 61 departments to start e-governance in seven days," said sources.NMC officials are even submitting false information to central and state governments.

In its recent monthly progress report of JNNURM projects submitted to the government, NMC had claimed that 95% work of e-governance project was completed. It went on to claim that eight modules were being used and work to complete integration of all modules was in progress. The eight modules were birth and death registration, citizen grievance monitoring system, accounting, property tax, e-tendering, licences, water billing, building plan approvals and personnel management system.

In reality just three departments were using the e-governance. These are birth and death registration, public works department and accounting, a senior official said. "e-tendering implemented in the NMC was not part of e-governance project. The citizens' complaints were to be addressed through e-governance but nothing is being done. e-governance in property tax and water departments may minimize inconvenience to the citizens but officials are ignoring it," he said.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 22 August 2012 10:10