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Mushrooming skyline of spies

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The Times of India                    11.03.2013 

Mushrooming skyline of spies

AHMEDABAD: Soon, there will come a time in Ahmedabad when the police will describe their crime-solving efficiency as the number of incidents per 100 cameras. This is no figment of imagination because the Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (Auda) has inserted a clause in the new development plan for the city making CCTV cameras compulsory for certain upcoming buildings. Auda officials say that commercial buildings, hospitals, and hotels will now be taken under the ambit of the new CCTV rule.

The clause goes a step farther as one Auda official explained, "Building use permission will only be granted to those commercial buildings that have CCTV cameras installed." There are some extra security features for hotels and hospitals also. "Places of public assembly like parks and gardens and even city squares will have CCTV cameras too," the official said.

Section 25.4 in the development plan, which deals with public safety, says: "Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Network shall be installed in public areas of assembly, buildings, and other places of entertainment as per protocols laid down by the appropriate authority." The clause is explained in subsequent paragraphs. Under sections dealing with hotels and hospitals, the rule reads, "For public safety, in consultation with a security expert, CCTV cameras, night-vision devices, motion sensors, control room, refuge areas, escape routes and other security provisions shall be included in building planning and design and be installed on completion."

However, officials did not wish to comment on the problems of privacy that such a provision may cause. "Why do we forget the Indian Mujahideen-orchestrated serial bomb blasts of 2008, repeated incidents of chain snatchings, sex rackets in hotels, hit-and-run cases, occasional bank robberies, vehicle thefts and even daylight murders?" the Auda official said. "Most of such cases are yet to be solved for want of evidence. If the main streets, where commercial buildings are located, have security cameras, many of these incidents can be captured and the footage will become important evidence."

Once CCTV cameras are installed, the local police may demand the storage of footage for six months or a period specified by local security agencies. "How prepared are Amdavadis to be noticed by peering electronic eyes is yet to be seen," adds the Auda official.
Last Updated on Monday, 11 March 2013 10:15