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Records of 18K properties digitized this year

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The Times of India                 16.04.2013

Records of 18K properties digitized this year

NASHIK: With the digitalized system of recording properties within municipal limits newly implemented by the Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC), there has been an addition of 18,000 new properties this year.

Along with other computerization of records, the Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC) had begun with the digitalization of its properties from this year. Till date the NMC has digitalized around 3.25 lakh properties so far recording an addition of 18000 new properties and officials inform that the rest of the properties will be digitalized shortly. This is part of the NMC's plan to make the system more effective and transparent.

An NMC official said that many properties that have not been registered so far but will soon be added to the list. "The number of unregistered properties will reduce as a result of this and gradually such cases will be under control. Many irregularities can be checked through this," he said. Commenting on the installation of over five lakh set top boxes in the city,

He also said that the digitalization system would bring to the fore all the registered and unregistered properties and consequently the exact number of properties in the city will be recorded.

He said that it would take a few months to complete digitalization of the entire city's properties but could not mention the exact period when it would be completed. "We are trying to complete it soon but new properties keep getting added. The addition of 18,000 new properties in a matter of few months shows the rapid growth of the city," he said.

"Digitalization of properties will also help in making the tax recovery system more effective and increase the revenue of NMC through property tax," he added.

Apart from this the NMC has also undertaken digitalization of service books of all municipal employees this year and the project is expected to be completed within the next 2-3 months.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 16 April 2013 11:41