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Mobile app to help govt officials take decisions on the move

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Business Line            16.04.2013

Mobile app to help govt officials take decisions on the move

Ospyn Technologies, a company based in Technopark here, bets big on the business of e-governance.

It is promising to take decision-making to the wireless world, enabling government officials track files and sign them on the move, with the help of a mobile application it has developed for its proprietary file processing system, digital document filing system (DDFS).

The app can be operated on iphone, ipad, android and other smartphones, say Prasadu Varghese, chief executive and managing director, and Kishore Kumar, chief technology officer, Ospyn.


A major cause of concern in a majority of government departments is the delay caused in the physical movement of files from desk to desk, Varghese said.

Once DDFS is implemented in departments, documents are passed on electronically. Delays and overheads associated with paper based document distribution are significantly reduced.

DDFS will help distribute and retrieve documents instantly without hindrance of any geographical boundaries.

The traditional filing system involved paper-based filing systems, which apart from being space-consuming and tedious, also poses serious cost and security concerns.

Records management, data sharing, distribution and information retrieval become more complex and difficult, thereby decreasing operational efficiency.


DDFS addresses these issues and provides tools to create, retrieve, distribute and organise documents, Kumar said.

It enhances business performance and productivity, while increasing efficiency and reducing the cost and clutter of maintaining paper records.

For instance, in the Government Secretariat here, all old files are scanned, converted to digital form and archived in a record repository.

DDFS has been integrated to this database and hence, users can access old record files through DDFS, without leaving their seat.

DDFS enables officials to keep an attentive eye on ‘peeping toms’ and also to control use and viewing of data or documents.


Malpractices such as replacing pages in a file, replacing an entire file, file stealing etc can be effectively checked by implementing DDFS.

Through DDFS public portal, file status and stages can be made public. It eliminates all issues associated with lost or misplaced documents.

Officers will have quick and instant access of relevant data and documents, enabling rapid decision-making.

Kumar said that systems such as ‘e-district’ as part of e-governance are used to improve transactional capabilities and processes of Government departments.

An efficient e-governance requires a smooth and streamlined functioning of both decision-making and transactional systems. DDFS has both, Varghese and Kumar added.