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CCTVs to monitor dog sterilization at NMC centre

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The Times of India             14.06.2013

CCTVs to monitor dog sterilization at NMC centre

NASHIK: Two closed circuit television (CCTV) cameras have been installed at the Nashik Municipal Corporation (NMC)'s dog sterilization centre at Vilholi to monitor the process.

The NMC had decided to install the CCTV cameras to keep tabs on the sterilization process and the dogs that are brought into and taken out of the centre to release them back to their territories. Accordingly, two CCTV cameras have been installed at the sterilization centre.

"The electric department has fixed the CCTV cameras a few days ago, but these are yet to become functional. The cameras will start functioning within two days once the electric connection is in place," said Dr Pramod Sonawane, the veterinary officer of the civic body.

He added that one camera has been set up at the operation theatre where the sterilization process takes place, while the other had been mounted at the entrance of the centre to monitor the entry and exit of the dogs. being brought in for sterilization and taken out for release after the process.

"The aim is to maintain transparency and to know the exact number of dogs sterilized," the officer said.

The sterilization of dogs within the city limits is being done by am NGO, Society for Prevention against Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), Udgir (Latur), since January 1.

The NGO was entrusted with the task of sterilizing the dogs on an experimental basis for three months, following which the project was to be regularized. NMC officials said the process got delayed because of the elections of the standing committee and the prabhag samiti chairpersons. The NGO, however, kept getting extensions of a month at the end of each month.

"A proposal of Rs 75 lakhs has been prepared for regularizing the process and we are awaiting the approval of the general body. The proposal is pending because two meetings of the general body had been cancelled. The proposal will be presented to the general body for its approval during Saturday's meeting. The SPCA will continue with the process till then," Dr Sonawane said.