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South Corporation plans separate web portal

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The Statesman          01.07.2013

South Corporation plans separate web portal

NEW DELHI, : The South Corporation is likely to boost up the e-governance system by building a separate new webportal to provide better facility to the citizens.

Though the Delhi Municipal Corporation had been trifurcated a year back into East Corporation, North Corporation and South Corporation but still has been using the same webportal. "We are bound to have similar policies as per the North Corporation and East Corporation due to having the same web portal. Any change in policy required the approval of the three municipal commissioners which is a hectic process and often stuck in red tapism," said Rajesh Gehlot, Chairman of Standing Committee in the South Corporation. He added that a separate web portal is necessary to provide any additional benefit to the people in South area or any rebate in tax. The three corporations are presently providing 16 online citizen centric services including depositing of house tax, sanctioning lay out plans, making birth certificates, mortgage and many more things. The corporation is currently heading the Information Technology department, common to the three corporations, and recently sanctioned Rs 68 lakh to trifurcate the department. 

"We will update our website with the latest functions and software which are currently not possible due to lengthy process of decision making," said Pankaj Gupta, chief director of IT department of South Corporation. Gupta added that it will take three months to make the new website fully functional. "Several functions and facilities of the e-governance are not being used by officers and citizens and we are planning it to make it more user friendly," he added. He also said that the department is working on a strategy to train its officers in a phased manner for better use of e-governance.  The corporation is also planning to interlink the biometric attendance system with the head office of the corporation to curtail the cases of false attendance. "The employees have learnt to ditch the biometric attendance system by decreasing the resolution of the machine and also tampering it in connivance with the consultant company," said a senior officer of the corporation.

"The interlinking of the biometric attendance system will prevent fake attendance particularly at zone and regional offices," he added. Presently, facilities like birth and death certificates, property tax, conversion charge, trade license, sanctioning of layout plan and e-tenders are being provided under e-governance.