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Schools to be checked online

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Deccan Chronicle                 19.07.2013

Schools to be checked online

Visakapatnam: GVMC is going to monitor dispensaries and municipal schools in Vizag online hereafter. The tracking system, with special software prepared the purpose, will enable the civic organisation check day-to-day operations of the institutions.

GVMC commissioner M.V. Satyanarayana, speaking to mediapersons on Thursday, said they will be monitoring routine activities of the hospitals in the corporation limits regarding outpatient visits, usage of medicines, attendance of staff members and doctors, and daily stock position.

Basing on the necessity, officials will direct the concerned staff to support dispensaries in terms of medicines and other material. The software which the corporation proposes to utilise is already being employed in some corporate hospitals in the city.

Medicines will be provided through Jeevandhara, he said.

The same procedure would be adopted in case of schools too. The software for schools will help in tracking teacher and pupil attendance, marks in various subjects, monitoring by teaching staff, facilities available, and other data. An official said it would be implemented in 2-3 schools on pilot basis.