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In a first, South corpn installs cameras in midday meal kitchens to monitor quality

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The Indian Express            03.08.2013

In a first, South corpn installs cameras in midday meal kitchens to monitor quality

The South Municipal Corporation has installed cameras in all midday meal kitchens under its jurisdiction, making it the first civic body in the country to implement surveillance in the kitchens.

The unique initiative will now enable the civic agency to monitor NGO kitchens supplying midday meals to its schools, and keep a close watch on food preparation and distribution.

The decision to install the cameras in the kitchens comes in the backdrop of the tragedy in Bihar, in which 23 children lost their lives after consuming contaminated midday meals.

The cameras have been set up inside main kitchens of NGOs, apart from godowns, storage and packaging areas, and areas where the meals are loaded on trucks. Footage will be stored for 30 days and senior corporation officials will be able to view it anytime.

"While on surprise visits to several schools, we realised that it was impossible to effectively monitor everything by visiting the premise alone. What was required was constant surveillance, through which we could ensure that standards were adhered to strictly. The webcams will help us monitor just that," South corporation education committee chairman Satish Upadhyay said.

In addition, the body has also set up a dedicated helpline in its headquarters and in midday meal kitchens, where people can call in to complain about shortcomings in quality and supply of food. The NGOs have also been directed to appoint a nutrition expert in their facilities, who has to ensure that the body follows the prescribed standards in terms of quality of raw materials.

The body has also instructed all workers engaged in midday meal preparation and distribution to carry their photo identity cards and wear prescribed uniforms.

A corpus fund of Rs 6.9 crore has been kept aside for the midday meal scheme.

Currently, three NGOs — Ekta Shakti Foundation, Isckon Food Relief Foundation and Jay Gee Humanitarian Society — provide midday meals to schools in NDMC areas. Over 3 lakh students from 589 primary schools and 14 nursery schools are served food everyday.