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MUDA email facilities

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The Hindu               06.08.2013 

MUDA email facilities

Special Correspondent

The Mysore Urban Development Authority (MUDA) said that the public could use its email facilities to seek information. In a release, MUDA said issues related to building plans, change of land use, master plans, and zonal regulations, among others, could be posed to the town planning member at tpm@mudamysore.gov.in for details. Similarly for issues related to development of layouts, civil works and basic amenities, the Superintendent Engineer could be contacted at se@mudamysore.gov.in.

For information related to sites, contact secretary@mudamysore.gov.in. Issues related to refund may be clarified with the Chief Accounts Officer (cao@mudamysore.gov.in) while matters of land acquisition could be posed to the Special Land Acquisition Officer (slao@mudamysore.gov.in). For further information or on issues not coming under these officers, contact info@mudamysore.gov.in, the release added.