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Council maps New Delhi area, uploads it to website

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The Indian Express           03.09.2013

Council maps New Delhi area, uploads it to website

In a bid to make commuting easy, the New Delhi Municipal Council has uploaded a detailed map of its area that shows several points of interest. Officials believe the Council has become the first in the country to do so.

With VVIP area under the council's jurisdiction, NDMC chairman Jalaj Srivastava said with smartphones and GIS mapping, people should be able to know where they are headed without fear of wasting time on roundabouts.

Mapping would also reduce the response time for emergency services, Srivastava said.

"The map has been uploaded and with smartphones and 3G technology. I want every person struggling with routes to navigate the area easily. Not just that, people may be able to help reduce the response time if a calamity occurs. Suppose a tree falls on a road, the person can send us the picture or text and we can reach there in minimal time by getting the coordinates of the place," Srivastava said.

The details include road intersections, flyovers, private and public land, primary buildings, secondary buildings, public trees (large and small) and private trees (large and small), streetlights, transformers, manholes, dustbins, park lights, and every house in the area. The area map can be searched through various keywords such as address, home owner, road location, and road intersections.

The map gives out details about buildings, civic services, electrical sub-stations, community centres, houses, road intersections, mosques, kerb land, water bodies, overhead and under-construction Metro line, petrol pumps and footpath land.

The chairman also said the effort to map the area and upload it was initiated when Rakesh Mehta was in-charge, but could not be implemented.

"We want everyone to make use of technology. We understand that this is a very important and sensitive area but we will do our best to protect it through technology. This area is visited by lots of foreigners, tourists, expats and our own commuters. Instead of understanding the area through maps, we want people to make use of technology now available on their phones," Srivastava said.

Director Projects (IT) O P Mishra is in-charge of the project and has been monitoring the smooth functioning of the maps.