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Online house tax payment system soon

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The Pioneer       22.11.2013

Online house tax payment system soon

In order to ease the inconvenience faced by locals standing in long queues for hours and waiting for their turn for house tax payment, Municipal Corporation of Dehradun has decided to introduce the online house tax payment system soon.

Mukhya Nagar Adhikari Ashok Kumar said that MCD is going to computerise the whole system under the e-governance system of the Government of India.

He added that a budget of around Rs25 crore has been sanctioned by the GoI to computerise the MCD.However, MCD has already purchased software costing about Rs95 lakh to initiate the online house tax payment system.

"Users can easily pay their house tax from anywhere in India and they don't need to visit the municipal corporation office for tax payment," claimed Kumar. He said that users can also check their pending tax status from home.

"MCD aims to provide all technical support to the locals and in this regard I have given the instructions to the MNA to initiate the online tax payment system soon," said Dehradun Mayor, Vinod Chamoli. 

Talking about the benefit of the online house tax payment system, MCD Tax Superintendent, SP Gupta said that this online tax payment system would prove beneficial for the public, especially the senior citizens as they would be able to pay their house tax from home by using their credit card/ debit card or through internet banking.

He said that the work is still in progress and the data entries of around seven circles out of the total 19 circles have been completed while the remaining work is in progress.

As per the chief spokesman of Congress in MCD, Jagdish Dhiman, this is an appreciable step of MCD as the public would not have to spend time and make effort to visit the MCD office regularly for house tax payment.