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Online mutation now a reality in Bokaro

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The Times of India            13.12.2013

Online mutation now a reality in Bokaro

BOKARO: Paving the way for a transparent and effective system for maintenance of land records, deputy commissioner of Bokaro Uma Shanker Singh on Thursday launched an online mutation of lands in one of the blocks at the district collectorate building here.

With this, Bokaro became one of the five districts in the state where digitization of land records have been initiated. The online system will help check unfair practices related to land and expedite the process of mutation. Mutation signifies recording of land records. It is a mandatory process, which entails the transfer of title of a property from one person to another.

The system will facilitate the revenue department to make records of lands online. The mechanism will not only lessen paper work, but also help residents apply online and get their mutation done within a stipulated duration. "We have begun with Chandrapura block and the process to include the other eight blocks is on. The system will become completely functional in all the nine blocks within four months," said Singh.

Singh added that this system will bring a full stop to manipulation of land records. "We usually come across complaints related to manipulation of land records done with the connivance of junior staff to benefit builders and other affluent persons. Many government lands were also occupied by manipulating records," said Singh.

In the past few years, Bokaro has witnessed rampant acquisition of government and forest lands through unfair means, which raises the concern of the administration. However, Singh said the system will also help reducing crime in the district. "In Bokaro, we found that a great number of crimes took place due to land dispute. The online mutation system will bring authenticity and reduce such crimes," said Singh.

Singh accompanied by additional collector Ashok Khaitan during the launch, performed the first online mutation of 60 decimal land of Mohammad Samim in Chandrapura block.