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VUDA proceedings on website

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The Hindu                       18.04.2013

VUDA proceedings on website

Staff Reporter

Apart from placing details of approved layouts and building plan approvals on its website, VUDA has decided to also place on its site scanned copies of proceedings.

They will be updated every fortnight. Also to deal with the problem of developers not completing the provision of all amenities within the stipulated period after LP has been issued, VUDA Vice-Chairman N. Yuvaraj has decided to hold a meeting with developers of such layouts.


Another milestone in e-governance

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The Hindu                  18.04.2013

Another milestone in e-governance

First State to implement e-payment in tendering processes.

The State achieved yet another milestone in its march towards total e-governance, when the entire payments in tendering processes were made online.

Kerala has become the first State in the country to implement the e-payment facility in tendering processes, ensuring total confidentiality and transparency in the business transactions and thus closing the door to corruption, Finance Minister K.M. Mani, said, while launching the new facility here on Wednesday.

He formally inaugurated the system by publishing the first e-tender of the government with e-payment facility. The launch event was hosted by the Kerala State IT Mission, which is the implementing agency for the e-governance project, with National Informatics Centre and the State Bank of Travancore.

Even though the government had issued orders in July last that all government departments should route tenders above Rs.25 lakh through the e-procurement system after March 31 this year, only a few departments had joined the system.

The e-payment facility would soon be extended to other departments, to ensure that all government transactions were transparent and corruption-free, Mr. Mani said.

Industries Minister P.K. Kunhalikkutty, who presided over the function, said that the e-procurement project had been very efficient and had succeeded in getting rid of a lot of red tapes and delays and achieving efficiency. The application could be extended to other areas of governance as well so that the entire government administration was made more efficient, he added.

The e-procurement system had been launched in December 2011 in order to make the government’s procurement of goods and services more transparent. The Public Works Department (PWD) was the first department to publish an on-line tender throughwww.etenders.kerala.govand so far, the system had handled 4,346 tenders valued at over Rs.2,300 crore.

At present, all payments towards tender document fees and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of tenders published through e-procurement gateway are received as Demand Drafts.

The payment mechanism for tenders has been now made on-line and has been integrated with the e-procurement system so that bidders can make the tender document fee and EMD Payments directly online. The amount will be received in a Government-designated pooling account of SBT till the opening of bids.

The EMDs of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded online to bank accounts at various stages of tender evaluation, which is expected to encourage more persons to take part in government tenders.


E-payment facility for government works introduced in Kerala

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The New Indian Express                17.04.2013

E-payment facility for government works introduced in Kerala

As part of ensuring transparency in administration, the IT Department of the State Government has integrated an e-payment mechanism to its existing e-procurement system.

 With the introduction of this facility, bidders can make payment online towards tender document fees and Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and the government can make online refunds of EMD amount to the unsuccessful bidders’ bank accounts in a time-bound manner. This is aimed at enhancing transparency and ensuring complete confidentiality and anonymity in the government tendering process.

 The integration of e-payment system will replace the present, conventional system of payment of tender document fees and EMD through Demand Drafts.

 IT Department Principal Secretary P H Kurian said that one of the key features of online payment mechanism for e-procurement project was its payment mode. The bidders having account with SBT can now make online payments through SBT’s Internet banking facility. Bidders having account with other banks can also make payments through NEFT payment gateway of the SBT. For a bidder opting to make payment through the NEFT payment gateway, a pre-filled challan will be made available by the e-procurement system. The bidder with this pre-filled challan can make an online NEFT payment using Internet Banking facility of the bank in which he holds an account, by adding the account number in the challan as beneficiary.

 Alternately, if he does not have an Internet banking facility, he should take a print out of the pre-filled challan and can visit his bank branch and transfer money from his bank account. The bidder should exercise this option 48 hours before the closing of the bid.

 This feature of offline payment would be available only till December 2013. The other Inter-bank remittance channels such as RTGS and GRPT are not available for e-tender process. Another advantage of e-payment mechanism is that it facilitates online refund mechanism for unsuccessful bidders, straight into their accounts.

 The online payment for e-tendering and procurement also ensures faster and secure collection of amount by the government as the amount gets deposited automatically in a designated account, said C Jayasankar Prasad, director-KSITM.

 It further relieves department users from activities such as receipt of DD, its safe storage and remittance to government and no paper work will be needed from department users anymore, for remitting the amount from bidders to the government and back.


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