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DDA launches hi-tech tracking system

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The Hindu       25.07.2012

DDA launches hi-tech tracking system

Staff Reporter

 With about 16,000 of its cases pending in various courts in the Capital and not being attended to properly, the Delhi Development Authority on Tuesday unveiled a web-based software system for monitoring the agency’s court cases.

The DDA said the system was necessitated due to time constraints faced by its officers leading to inadequate monitoring of cases as a result of which the case proceedings suffered.

“This resulted in courts granting repeated dates, in turn, resulting in delay for the organisation and petitioners. It is expected that with the system in place there will be proper monitoring and updating of the case status,” the DDA statement said.

Inaugurating the system, the DDA vice-chairman G. S. Patnaik said this was a move in the direction of “complete computerisation” but warned that officials should ensure that the updating of cases is done regularly. He said the software should also be improved as per the feedback which will be received over a period of time.

The vice-chairman also directed that important or landmark judgements should be attached with cases so that it provides good reference material for future cases.

The software is operational in all the District Courts, High Court, Supreme Court and Consumer Forums and on desktop computers at Vikas Sadan and Vikas Minar in a web-enabled mode. DDA law officers are required to update the status of the court cases and they can do so from anywhere using user IDs and Passwords allotted to them. The system will also generate weekly reports of the pendency of cases, weekly status of all court cases where the date of hearing is due. Reminders and reports will also be available in the system so that proper monitoring of the cases can be done.

To monitor its 16,000 pending cases in courts


RMC to install three more face detection machines

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The Times of India        13.07.2012

RMC to install three more face detection machines

RAJKOT: Rajkot Municipal Corporation (RMC) has decided to go in for installation of three more face detection machines to curb absenteeism amongst its employees.

The move follows the success achieved after installation of the machine at the central zone office on Dhebar Road in November last year.

The new machines are to be installed at the west zone and east zone offices along with Pradhyuman Park zoo.

A RMC official said, "Our experience shows that more than 15 per cent absenteeism was curtailed at the central zone office after the face detection machine was installed. The increase in attendance will only help enhance civic body's efficiency.'' The official said the idea is to maintain a digital log of the employees' attendance.

"The face registration process is a fool-proof technology and the machine itself does not require too much maintenance. The employees just have to place their face before the machine to register their attendance," said the official. With installation of three new machines, a total of 1,200 employees of the RMC will be covered.



IKM launches special accounting software for Panchayats

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Kerala IT News       03.10.2011

IKM launches special accounting software for Panchayats


Tvm: Information Kerala Mission (IKM), the flagship e-Governance programme of the Local Self Government bodies in Kerala, has launched Accrual based Double Entry Accounting in Grama Panchayats using the ‘Saankhya’ Software. The software system, developed by IKM, was inaugurated by the Minister for Panchayats, Dr. M K Muneer today.

Saankhya works on the Accrual Based Double Entry Accounting system following the internationally accepted accounting principles. The software equips even the average employee to prepare the entire financial reports without depending upon accounting professionals. It records each financial transaction in real time and is exclusively customised for Urban Local Bodies and Panchayats.
The system doesn’t demand deep accounting knowledge for operating Saankhya Application and works in integration with the other IKM applications like Sanchaya, Sulekha, Soochika, Sevana CR, Sevena Pensions, Sthapana, Sugama, Sanketham, etc. The accounting process is made transparent by gives easy access to the financial information of Local Self Governments to the decision makers including Elected Representatives, Employees and Common man. The accounting is executed with the participation of the entire employees dealing with financial transactions.

Most of the local governments are facing shortage of manpower in handling day to day operations resulting in substantial delays in closing of annual accounts. The Saankhya application will go a long way in addressing this issue.


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