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AMC website full of goof-ups

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The Times  of India      17.09.2010 

AMC website full of goof-ups

AHMEDABAD: If you are a resident of the newly-delimited municipal ward and think that the website of the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) could come handy to know which ward your society is in, think again. This website is more likely to mislead and confuse you more than ever. Interestingly, AMC official website lists only 43 wards of the 64 that will go to poll on October 10. These 43 wards are the old wards that existed before delimitation and for which elections were held in 2005.

The AMC officials have failed to list all the wards despite the fact that these are the first election after delimitation process. The AMC has totally ignored new west zone areas and areas in the eastern part that were merged in AMC recently. Even the website of the state election commission also does not have the list of the wards on its official website.

A senior AMC official points out that even the list of voters and the population, which has been prepared recently, has glaring mistakes. The list of Bodakdev shows that the population of the area was less then the number of voters! And Bodakdev is not the only such area listed on the website. There are several other areas for which correct information is not there on the website. A senior official says that there is a possibility that there might be a change in the figures of the voters and the population in near future.


Pay property tax with debit cards

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Indian  Express      17.09.2010

Pay property tax with debit cards

Ajay Khape Tags : corporations, online facility, pune Posted: Fri Sep 17 2010, 03:50 hrs

Pune:  PMC to extend online payment facility, 2 pc fine every month for defaulters
The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) is all set to extend the online facility to pay property tax by reaching an agreement with more banks and introducing payment through debit cards. The last date for tax payment for the first half is September 30. According to the state government decision, defaulters will have to pay a penalty of two per cent every month.

“All those failing to pay the taxes before the deadline will be penalised two per cent every month. This will compel many to pay taxes on time and the civic administration needs to provide multiple options to property owners for the purpose,” said Vilas Kanade, PMC tax assessment and collection officer.

There should not be any excuse for peopel to delay the payment, he said, adding that the civic administration is upgrading its system of tax collection.

The PMC has a tie-up with ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank for the online collection of tax. We are in discussion with other banks to provide the same facility to tax payers having account in the respective banks,” Kanade said.

The civic body is also working on accepting the tax through cards, he said, adding that large number of people these days use online banking and card facility for transaction.

“Number of people paying tax online is doubling every year. Around 21,000 people used the online facility in 2009-10 against 11,000 in 2008-09, while only 4,500 used the facility in 2007-08. The administration is expecting it to reach 50,000 by the end of current financial year,” Kanade said. The civic body has also asked all interested banks to prepare a plan to make available the facility of card payment to its account holders which would be cleared by the month end. Kanade said as per the BPMC Act, the bill has to be delivered at the doorstep. “We are trying to explore all possibilities to ensure that each property owner gets the bill at doorstep. The administration has also initiated text messaging service wherein people can send the property code and get the information on dues,” he said.

Last Updated on Friday, 17 September 2010 10:51

MC to make parking lots automated, auction them later

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Indian Express     16.09.2010

MC to make parking lots automated, auction them later

Express news service Tags : Municipal Corporation, parking Posted: Thu Sep 16 2010, 08:02 hrs

Chandigarh: The Finance and Contract Committee of the Municipal Corporation has decided to install equipment for the automation of parking lots. The parking lots in different sectors would auctioned later.

The meeting was held today under the chairpersonship of Mayor Anu Chatrath and attended by other members.

The decision comes in the wake of the boycott of auction of parking lots scheduled for last week by contractors. The contractors had stated that the installation of equipment for automation and semi-automation would not be feasible for them. They had demanded that the civic body should install the equipment and give it to them for maintenance.

The cost of automation of parking lots is Rs 13 lakh, while that for semi-automation is Rs 5 lakh. The contractors were of the opinion that since the civic body earns a large amount as revenue from auction of parking lots, some amount could be spent on automation.

The members of the committee decided that the equipment would be installed by the civic body and then auctioned.

In another decision the committee has agreed on the terms and conditions for enhancement of rent of shops in villages and other properties. The civic body had been facing loss of revenue as the rent from the shops was not being collected. The committee approved laying of paver blocks in various sectors including Sector 41, green belts in Sector 32 and 46, Sector 2, Sector 22, Sector 52 and Sector 15.

The V-6 road in Sector 27 would be widened carpeted. Streetlights would be provided on the V-4 road in Sector 7 and parking area of the market in Sector 20.

The committee has decided that the permission for stacking of construction material for commercial buildings would be Rs 1000 for 1000 square feet for one month, while for residential buildings it would be Rs 250 for 1000 square feet. Expenditure of Rs.1 lakh has been approved for peace fest-2010. The estimate for providing and laying 50 mm thick cement concrete flooring on balance back service lanes, Sector 22 has been approved.

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 September 2010 11:11

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