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Sursagar suffocates as VMC looks the other way

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The Times of India               05.12.2010

Sursagar suffocates as VMC looks the other way

VADODARA: It is one of the oldest lakes in the city that was constructed by Baroda state's ex-ruler Sayajirao Gaekwad to improve underground water table and add an aesthetic sense to some of the finest buildings around it. However, Sursagar Lake located in the heart of the city is dying a slow death now. The lake that was a favourite hangout place for every citizen, now gives out an unbearable stench from the floating garbage.

Thanks to the apathy of Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC), the lake is now polluting underground water table in Old City areas. And, if that is not enough, the aquatic life inside the lake too has been destroyed completely. There are negligible number of fishes and other aquatic lives in the lake. Interestingly, the official website of VMC itself admits that 'the quality of water in all its lakes is not suitable for human consumption and that there is no aquatic life in them.'

Though the civic body has initiated an operation to clean up the lake, the move seems to be too little too late. "Samples of water were taken from Sursagar Lake some days ago and they have been sent for laboratory tests. The initial tests show that the dissolvable oxygen is nil in the water. This means there is no aquatic life in the water body," said a VMC official. "The quality of water has degraded to a great extent. The garbage and leftovers thrown by food-stall owners in the lake has destroyed its beauty and usability," he added.

VMC had been receiving a number of complaints from citizens about the stench emanating from the lake. The civic body then asked the public health laboratory (PHL) officials to take water samples and prepare a report. The clean up operation was also initiated by VMC wherein garbage is being removed from the water surface. "I think the civic body should now get award of 'lakes killer'. The civic body is just not bothered about these lakes that are very essential to the city's underground water table. Most of the lakes are disappearing fast and VMC is only aiding the destruction," said environment activist Rohit Prajapati.

"Samples taken by Gujarat Pollution Control Board (GPCB) in last few years also show that the pollution in Sursagar Lake has gone beyond permissible levels. We suggest that the civic body should prepare a master plan to save and revive the water bodies in the city," Prajapati added.

Last Updated on Monday, 06 December 2010 09:56