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Hundred of tress cut; alarmed Forest Dept serves notice on RMC

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The Pioneer  09.12.2010

Hundred of tress cut; alarmed Forest Dept serves notice on RMC

Sudhir Kumar | Ranchi

Who cut hundreds of trees en-route to President Pratibha Patil’s scheduled visit on Harmu Road in course of the preparation? It is becoming a million-dollar question as the Ranchi Municipal Corporation (RMC), which was served a notice by the Forest Department for its alleged involvement in the tree cutting exercise, subsequently denied the charge.

Forest Department on Wednesday slapped a notice on the municipal body which allegedly was involved in the tree chopping without any prior permission. The RMC has been asked to clear its stand over the issue.

The RMC did not consult the department to seek permission before chopping-off the trees. After the matter came to the light, the Forest Department issued a notice to the RMC, asking it to clarify the reason for not seeking prior permission.

The further course of action would be decided after hearing the RMC response, added an official of the Department. He said that no one can be allowed to cut the trees, as it affect the environment badly.

The official, however, clarified that any legal action would be possible in the matter if the organisation responsible for felling trees damaged them in such a manner that hamper their re-growth. The scene would be clear only after the probe is complete, said the official adding that chopping off the branches of trees did not curb the growth of trees. Therefore, no action could be taken under such condition.

Though sources at the RMC confirmed that a notice was received by them regarding the matter, Deputy CEO of the body RP Sinha denied any information regarding the development saying “I have no idea.”

Mayor of Ranchi Rama Khalkho said, “RMC has not been given any permission regarding tree felling. Coincidently, I was passing through the road when the trees were chopped off. I immediately called up RMC CEO and asked him who gave permission to cut the trees at Harmu road. Even he was not aware about the happening. The RMC that is trying to beautify the city is no way involved in the tree chopping.”

Interestingly, the Forest Department that issued notice to the RMC gave permission to cut around four thousand trees at the south east of Birsa Munda Airport. The order in this connection was given after Airport Authority sought permission for the chopping exercise to avoid bird-hit incidents. Notably, several incidents of bird hit with planes took place this year.

Last Updated on Thursday, 09 December 2010 06:25