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MMC cracks whip against erring market vendors

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 The Times of India    26.07.2012

MMC cracks whip against erring market vendors

MAPUSA: Acting upon a high court directive, the Mapusa Municipal Council (MMC), in three drives conducted in one month, cracked the whip against encroachments by vendors and cleared all the passages in the municipal market.

 This has obviously not gone down well with the vendors who took out a delegation to the office of MMC chairperson Sudhir Kandolkar.The fruit and vegetable vendors demanded to know why the drive was being conducted "in a hurry without taking them into confidence".

"There are three litigations against us about encroachments in the market and we are taking the issue seriously," said MMC chief officer Hanumant Toraskar. Kandolkar agreed saying they could not spare any encroachers. "The surprise raids will continue," he added.The drives began after the MMC received complaints about encroachments in the markets and on footpaths. Moreover complaints were also rife about vegetable remains and plastic bags scattered in the market, Kandolkar said, adding that the vendors have been told to clear their waste which they usually leave in the market during the night.



Last Updated on Thursday, 26 July 2012 11:19