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Solar-powered juicer launched

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The Hindu                19.04.2013

Solar-powered juicer launched

Staff Reporter

There is a good news for disappointed cool drinks shop owners hit by frequent power cut and unable to cash in on the demand from public with the mercury shooting up everyday.

They can switch to subsidised solar-powered juicer developed by Aditya Suraksha entrepreneurs Syed Zahed and T.Veeranarayan to continue their sales unhindered and provide relief to people from sweltering heat.

Launching the eco-friendly product, Municipal Commissioner S.Ravindra Babu patted the duo and urged them to develop more such products to tap the abundant solar energy and create more self-employment opportunities to youth. ''The juicer comes with 50 watt and 100 watt capacity. When fully charged, the first one costing Rs 12,000 can be run for six hours and the second one costing Rs 20000 for 12 hours'', explained Mr Zahed. Conventional electrical back-up could also be provided to the juicer, they added.