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MCC deepens borewells to keep its parks green

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Deccan Herald               24.05.2013

MCC deepens borewells to keep its parks green

Inadequate water at the source due to the prevalent drought, is not only affecting drinking water supply, but also the maintenance of parks in the city. As a result, the Mysore City Corporation (MCC) has been further deepening the borewells to meet the requirement of water.

Maintenance of parks affected due to depleting water table

MCC has been re-drilling the existing points in around 20 parks by 20 ft to 40 ft. When the cry for water began in the month of January, the parks also witnessed depletion in water table. It became inevitable for further deepening as maintenance of parks without water even for a day became increasingly difficult.

According to MCC officials, barring urban forestry (parks having huge trees) where watering will be taken up twice or thrice a week, in cases of parks with ornamental plants, lawns, mounts and gardens, watering is a must everyday.

The city corporation has under its jurisdiction 388 parks, with 153 fully developed and 235 awaiting development works. In the case of developed parks, borewell is the source of water at 120 parks.  At the remaining parks, existing drinking water pipes are linked to supply water.

Besides, services of the tankers of Vani Vilas Water Works (VVWW) water supply wing of the city corporation are utilised.


Works have been taken up on priority at Kantharaja Park at ward 40 and Kempucheluvajammanni Layout popularly known as K C Layout on Chamundi Hill road, which have been facing acute shortage of water with decreasing underground water level.

Kuppanna Park on Nazarbad road near Hardinge circle spread over 17 acres is the biggest among  the MCC owned parks, followed by Curzon Park-II (Vishnuvardhan Park) and III- Dr Rajkumar Park also located in the heart of the city, calling for upkeep of the same at any cost.

In the recent budget of 2013-14, the city corporation has earmarked Rs seven crore for development of parks and lawns in the city.