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In full flow: PMC sets Mutha riverside beautification plan rolling

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The Indian Express              11.07.2013

In full flow: PMC sets Mutha riverside beautification plan rolling

THE area around Mutha river, cutting across the city, had been an eyesore because of filth. Waking up to the grim reality, the Pune Municipal Corporation had undertaken the River Improvement Project under JNNURM four years back. Going a step forward, PMC has now decided to take up the work of riverside beautification between Baba Bhide bridge and Shivram Mhatre Road, popularly known as Poona Hospital bridge.The plan includes setting up of two playgrounds, a jogging track, landscape mound, lawn and a covered sit out.

"The river improvement work has been undertaken under JNNURM and the work is nearing completion. Now, there is a plan for beautification of the river front. A plan has been prepared for the purpose which would be implemented in phases,'' said Srinavas Bonala, additional city engineer.

The first phase will reportedly be undertaken using funds made available by local MLA Girish Bapat. As per the plan, the stretch from Baba Bhide bridge to Poona hospital bridge would be developed in a manner that there will a jogging track, two play areas for children (Bal Bhavan), a removable gazebo or covered sitout and a lawn.

There will be two landscape mounds that would add to the beauty of the area and plantation of decorative flowery trees would be done on the border. There will also be provision of parking for those visiting the place that is being developed for attracting tourists.

The civic administration also plans to put sculptures at the place while there will be removable gazebo so that it can be removed during floodlike situations. The play area will have playing equipment installed in garden for the children.

PMC has recently got a go ahead from the court for improving the river front. The river development and beautification plan was opposed by civic activists who had gone to court. The work would be carried out at an estimated cost of Rs 47 lakh in nine months time after issuing the work order, said civic officer. "PMC is starting beautification of river front near Bhide bridge and would slowly extend it on the riverfront within civic jurisdiction. There will be no provision for commercial activities like setting up stalls or joints," he said, adding this will also help in keeping a check on illegal use or encroachment of river front.

Presently, the said area is used as parking space for four-wheelers, cow shades, makeshift commercial stalls. It is also used by mandals for practising of musical bands.