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Concept parks turn a big hit

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Deccan Chronicle              21.08.2013

Concept parks turn a big hit

The Nakshatra Vanam Park, located near Ganesh Temple, Yapral, has one tree planted for every Raasi (Zodiac sign). Visitors come here to find out the tree for their zodiac sign. 	—DC
The Nakshatra Vanam Park, located near Ganesh Temple, Yapral, has one tree planted for every Raasi (Zodiac sign). Visitors come here to find out the tree for their zodiac sign. —DC

Hyderabad: The idea of concept parks, which the GHMC and HMDA have been developing of late in their respective jurisdictions, is gaining momentum with crowds from across the country flocking these spots.

The Palmetum, a specialised botanical garden situated at Asmanghad in Malakpet which features only one family of plants, is a huge hit in the city and attracts visitors from all over India.

A visitor, Naveen Preetham, said, “It is not just a garden but a new address for palms. There are 120 varieties of about 250 trees available in this horticulture garden. The garden showcases all the six subfamilies of Arecaceae family of plants. With horizontal arrays of the plants, the fragrance and beauty of nature is felt.”

Another concept park that attracts a lot of guests and tourists is the Nakshatra Vanam (forest and plants based on Zodiac signs) located in Yapral, Alwal. It is located opposite the  Ganesh temple, Yapral, and was established a couple of years ago.

“This particular park has got a unique significance as one tree has been planted after each Raasi. Every guest is curious to know which plant is for their zodiac sign,” said horticulture officer B. Sridhar Rao.

Other popualr concept- parks are  Ficus Garden near Durgam Cheruvu, Exotic Plants Garden at Teacher’s Colony and Japanese Garden at Banjara Hills.