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MCD departments present their budgets

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The Hindu       13.01.2011

MCD departments present their budgets

Staff Reporter

The Health and Education Committees and the Department of Environment Management Services presented their respective budgets specifying the amount required to meet their department's expenses at a meeting of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi's key panel on Tuesday.

The civic body, which has been rapped by the Delhi High Court for running several schools in tents, claimed that it had built 60 class rooms in eight months since April last year and work was on to construct 2,433 more.

MCD Works Committee chairman Jagdish Mamgain said: “From April 1 to November 30, 2010, 13 school buildings were completed and 60 classrooms constructed. Work is in progress in 154 schools with 2,433 new classrooms on the anvil.”

He added that the focus of engineering department will be on pothole-free roads. To increase revenue, two commercial complexes and parking to be constructed on build-operate-transfer basis have also been proposed, according to Mr. Mamgain.