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Rs. 2.88-crore surplus budget for BCC

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The Hindu        29.06.2011

Rs. 2.88-crore surplus budget for BCC

Staff Correspondent

In an unconventional move, Mayor Manda Balekundri withheld the copy of the annual budget estimates from being circulated among presspersons who were invited to cover the proceeding of the budget meeting held here on Tuesday.

Soon after Muzamil Iqbal Doni, Chairman of the Standing Committee for Finance, Taxation and Appeals, handed over a copy of the budget estimates for the year 2011-12 to the Mayor, the latter asked the council staff to distribute copies only to the councillors and not to presspersons. However, she maintained that the copies of the budget would be given to the media after the members completed discussion on the proposals.

In another departure from convention, Mr. Doni skipped reading the proposals, but referred only to a few points.

Later, a source toldThe Hinduthat Mr. Doni presented a Rs. 2.88-crore surplus budget. He expected the Belgaum City Corporation (BCC) to fetch a revenue of Rs. 169.21 crore. The expected expenditure during the year is Rs. 166.44 core.

A sum of Rs. 5 crore had been earmarked for a new building (on the existing premises of the BCC) to house the council hall and chambers for Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Commissioner and chairpersons of standing committees, the source said.