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New action plan for corporation

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The Times of India                   07.03.2013 

New action plan for corporation

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: For the first time in the history of Thiruvananthapuram corporation, deputy mayor G Happy Kumar will present the annual project plan for 2013-14 along with the budget on Thursday.

The simultaneous presentation of budget and the annual project plan has been planned in a move to expedite the implementation process of various projects.

This would mean that all the projects enlisted in the budget will be replicated in the project plan.

"It would ensure that the project plan won't have any deletion or addition. The projects that appear in the budget will naturally find a place in the project plan," said a member of finance standing committee. Deputy mayor G Happy Kumar is going by this decision to make up for the time the corporation had lost in executing certain projects last year. Usually, some of the projects that find a mention in the budget seldom appear in the project plan which will be presented later in the financial year.

With the decision to present the budget and the project plan at the same time, the corporation can assure two things; none of the projects are omitted and the included projects are implemented and monitored promptly.

The projects that would be implemented using plan fund include developmental projects, road works and infrastructure schemes. These have been included both in the budget and project plan.

''Last year, the state government had put forward one such suggestion. I found it very useful, since it has got so many advantages. That is why we are experimenting this idea for this budget presentation," said deputy mayor G Happy Kumar.

However, the idea has also sparked off some dissent. "By such a presentation, the opposition will lose an opportunity to suggest any new ideas or changes in the presented budget since it has already been incorporated in the project plan," an opposition member said.

The ruling council denies it. "Since we had thought of presenting both budget and project plan together, we had made sure that we had the consensus of all the members before finalizing the project. No objections have been raised so far against any project. This would do away with any delay in envisaging and implementing project," Happy Kumar said.10 DOOMED PROJECTS

Construction of over-bridges and walkways in congested areas

Sarathy for training women in auto-driving

Development of Kazhakootam market and shopping complex

Suvidha for street vendors

Garden city

Short stay homes

Santhi Kavadom -2

Green house and green land

Good health for students

Wetland conservation

Last Updated on Thursday, 07 March 2013 08:10