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MUDA's budget fails to take care of site seekers plight

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The Times of India                       13.03.2013  

MUDA's budget fails to take care of site seekers plight

MYSORE: Come March , like any other autonomous government body MUDA also comes out with a budget and promises hundred things for the citizens. But seldom the promises are met . MUDA has a failed history especially as far as the distribution of sites to homeless people is concerned . Though in 2012 the MUDA distributed about 3000 sites to site less people in it's two newly formed extensions, this did not bring smiles on the faces of the hapless people who have applied for the sites and waiting for decades together.

After a long gap of more than eight years , MUDA distributed sites and that too couple of thousands when the list of site seeking people is growing. There may be many rich in the list of site seekers , but majority of them are the poor and the lower middle class people who like their rich fellow citizens have a dream to own a site and construct a house.

People who are unable to buy the sites from private developers and realtors have applied and waiting for their turn in the MUDA. " Sir I have applied for a site in 1991 , and made seven attempts, but I am yet to get a site from MUDA after 22 years of applying for a site " a police constable from the city intelligence wing who has left with only a couple of years service complained ,pointing out MUDA's failure to meet the demand for sites from poor people.

Even the elected representatives from the city to the state assembly and council who are members of MUDA have allegedly failed to highlight the situation on the site seekers front and get developed more lay outs. At the meeting , only MLA Tanveer Sait pointed out the increasing number of site seekers and criticized the budget proposals for having no mention about new lay outs . " This budget lacks vision and has no concern for the poor, lower and upper middle class people" he said urging MUDA to initiate steps to clear the list of 1.5 lakh site seekers. But most of the members who spoke on budget proposals failed to mention a word about site seekers waiting for long years. Countering Sait's claim , MUDA chairman Nagendra said only 83000 applications are pending and not 1.5 lakh.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 March 2013 11:19