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GMC presents Rs 550-cr budget

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The Hindu       20.03.2013 

GMC presents Rs 550-cr budget

The Guntur Municipal Corporation (GMC) has presented ambitious budgetary estimates pegged at Rs.550.07 crore.

This is a marked increase from the budget outlay for the year 2012-2013 which is at Rs.428.23 crore.

Municipal Commissioner (I/C) P. Srinivasulu says that priority has been given to infrastructure development, beautification and implementation of welfare schemes. With an expenditure pegged at Rs.343.06 crore and the expected revenue targeted at Rs.116.39 crore, the GMC has shown the total outlay at Rs.550 crore. However, questions mark over the grants by the Central and the State Governments. It has been over two years since the Chief Minister promised that he would grant Rs.50 crore for the development of the city, but the promises remained unfulfilled so far.

The GMC is also banking on grants from the Rajiv Awas Yojana (RAY) to the tune of Rs.50 crore for development of slums, but even that promise remained on paper.

The drinking water project at an estimated cost of Rs.207 crore too remained a non-starter.

However, the GMC appeared to be intent on giving importance to solar lighting, LED lighting, avenue plantation, traffic lights and solar lighting etc. New roads would be laid, footpaths and bridges would be built at a cost of Rs 15 crore. Proposals to develop Traveller’s Bungalow at a cost of Rs.15 lakh have been placed. Funds under Building Penalisation Scheme have been earmarked for construction of zonal office, auditorium, swimming pool, Road under Bridges and parks.

Impetus has been given to laying of new roads at an estimated cost of Rs.8.70 crore, water pipelines and implementation of welfare schemes.