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Budget session from tomorrow

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The New Indian Express 23.02.2010

Budget session from tomorrow

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The rampant encroachment in Munnar, the CPM- sponsored encroachment in Wayanad, the government’s dilly-dallying on the Smart City project and rise in prices of essential commodities will be among the issues which are likely to make the 14th session of the Assembly, beginning on February 24, a stormy affair.

However, the main focus of the 24-day session will be the presentation of the Budget for the financial year 2010-11 by Finance Minister Thomas Isaac on March 5. With the elections to the local bodies scheduled for September and the state going for the Assembly elections in 2011, the LDF Government is all set to present a populist budget.

But this alone will not be sufficient for the LDF Government to save its face in the House as the Opposition is all set to list out the failures of the CPM-led Government over the past four years.

It will be the encroachments which are undoubtedly going to put the LDF Government in the dock as the Congress- led Opposition is all set unleash a scathing attack on the CPM and CPI for their `soft stand’ towards the encroachments, especially in Munnar.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 February 2010 11:27