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Financial Management

Guntur MP, Mayor meet Jaipal Reddy

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The Hindu 05.11.2009

Guntur MP, Mayor meet Jaipal Reddy

Special Correspondent

GUNTUR: Union Minister for Urban Development S. Jaipal Reddy has promised to bring Warangal and Guntur under similar category for releasing funds for development under the Integrated Housing & Slum Development Programme, which aims at combining the existing schemes of VAMBAY and the NSDP to accelerate the progress.

Guntur Member of Parliament Rayapati Sambasiva Rao and Mayor Rayapati Mohan Saikrishna met the Union Minister in his office in New Delhi on Wednesday and brought to his notice the need for taking up several projects to improve the civic amenities in the city. The Guntur MP told The Hindu over telephone from New Delhi that the Union Minister listen to their side patiently and promised to do every possible bit to improve the condition of the city as early as possible.

Funds promised

Asked as to what could be expected, the MP said that if everything goes well as promised by the Minister Guntur Municipal Corporation could get funds under the IHSDP in December.

While the funds could not be quantified at this point of time, but would be substantial to take up all slum development plan drawn up in the Municipal Corporation, he added.

Last Updated on Thursday, 05 November 2009 03:00

Naveen seeks inclusion of Cuttack in JNNURM

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The New Indian Express 04.11.2009

Naveen seeks inclusion of Cuttack in JNNURM

BHUBANESWAR: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik has expressed concern over the meagre allocation for the State under the Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT) and demanded a substantial increase.

The Central allocation under the scheme for 101 local urban bodies (ULBs) was Rs 181.79 crore. Naveen has requested that it should be raised to Rs 1,000 crore.

According to a release here, Naveen met Union Urban Development Minister S Jaipal Reddy in Delhi today and discussed various issues relating to urban development in Orissa.

Naveen said Orissa is forging ahead with the implementation of key urban reforms and has progressed well in the execution of UIDSSMT. Besides, only Bhubaneswar and Puri have been included under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM). Naveen demanded inclusion of Cuttack in the JNNURM. The integrated sewerage and conservation of Bindusagar projects had already been taken up in the capital city.

Naveen underscored the need for early release of the first instalment of central share for the 12 drinking water supply projects which had already been sanctioned.

The second instalment for the five ongoing road projects of Cuttack, water bodies restoration projects of Cuttack and Berhampur towns and water supply projects of Sambalpur and Koraput towns should also be released, he said.

The Chief Minister requested Jaipal Reddy for allocation of suitable land for establishing an Orissa centre in New Delhi to showcase and promote the cultural heritage of the State. Reddy assured Naveen that he would favourably consider the proposals.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 04 November 2009 09:13

Civic body participatory budget activity goes online

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Indian Express 3.11.2009

Civic body participatory budget activity goes online

The participatory budget activity of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has gone online from this year. The process involves participation of citizens in allocation of ward-wise budget.

While the activity was accessible in hard copy as well as downloadable form till last year, the online submission for 2010-11 is expected to increase citizens’ response.

“The participatory budget activity, now in its fifth year, has been receiving satisfactory response from the citizens. However, the earlier versions needed physical submission of the form. While that method is still on, the online form on our website, www.punecorporation.org, has been made available to increase citizens’ participation,” said Ulka Kalaskar, PMC chief accountant.

With a budget of Rs 25 lakh per ward allotted for the participatory budget, citizens can suggest the developmental works in their wards. With 144 wards in the city, the budget will be worth Rs 36 crore for the city and every citizen can suggest work costing up to Rs 5 lakh. Suggestions such as construction of public urinals in the ward, provision of lamp posts, repair of pavements and so on can be included and submitted online till November 9. Applications will then be sent to Prabhag Samitee for approvals after which works will be included by the PMC in the yearly budget scheduled in February next year.

The initiative also involves participation of NGOs like Centre for Environment Education (CEE), Janwani, National Society for Clean City (NSCC) and Pariwartan. “To help citizens assess the feasibility of their suggestions, our website www.janwani.org has links that gives suggestions put forth in previous participatory budget activities,” said Kishori Gadre, director, Janwani.

While the citizens’ involvement in the suggestion stage has been satisfactory over the past few years, mutual participation in the process, after scrutinising the suggestion has not found many takers, primarily because of the lack of knowledge amongst common people about accessing civic administration data. “We are working towards ensuring that the citizens get to view the status of their suggestion and the reasons behind acceptance or rejection of their suggestions online,” said Sanskriti Menon, CEE programme director.

With over 270 PMC schools in the city, special meetings are being held with the education department to encourage teachers and principals participate in the budget activity. “Work such as construction of toilets, repair work of classrooms can be suggested by school staff. We are working towards propagating the idea that the staff members can fix meetings with corporators in their area to get such work done,” said Avinash Madhale, programme officer, CEE.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 03 November 2009 11:28

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