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Bottled water costs big bucks

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Deccan Chronicle 19.08.2009

Bottled water costs big bucks

August 19th, 2009
By Our Correspondent
Bottled water costs big bucks

Would you like “mineral” water or regular water? this is an oft-asked question at every city restaurant. And every time you opt for bottled water, you pay not just for the water you sip on, but also for the restaurant’s electricity bill, staff’s salaries and even for their “niceties”! Whether it’s an upmarket pub, restaurant or even a coffee shop, a water bottle bearing an MRP of Rs 12, is sold for anything between Rs 40 and Rs 100! Quiz restaurant managers and they are ready with justifications that range from “service comes with a price” to “we serve the water chilled and present it well...”

Anuj Rai, a brand manager who went to Angeethi for a meal, was forced to shell out Rs 60 for a 500 ml bottle of water. “I had no choice but to pay up as the management too wasn’t helpful.”

Joy Ganguly, general manager, BJN group of hotels, has no qualms in admitting that they charge more than the MRP and is ready with his defence. “We are not a retail outlet that we must stick to the MRP. As a service outlet, we have the freedom to decide the price of the product we serve. Besides, we don’t just sell a bottle of water, it’s a service that we offer. We first chill the bottle to the right temperature, present it to our patrons in style and then serve it to them.” And all these services come with a price, he points out adding, “Our prices are on par with that of our rivals. This is also a way of making up for the electricity bills and salaries.”

In the guise of offering exclusive services like refrigerating and serving, nightclubs too that charge as they please. national darts player, Aamer Javeed, says, “almost every restaurant in the city charges much more than the MRP for bottled water. Some coffee shops don’t even serve regular water and patrons are forced to buy it.” Raghu R., a techie, says, “At 10 Downing Street I was charged Rs 80 for a bottle of water that had an MRP of Rs 15. I went in to grab a quick bite and the water cost me more than the snack I ordered.” Vinod Reddy, owner of 10D is quick to point out that they charge just Rs 40 for a bottle that costs Rs 15. Remind him that it’s illegal to charge anything over the maximum retail price fixed by the government, and he says, “I wasn’t aware of this rule. However, we also pay tax for whatever excess we charge.”

Authorities of the legal metrology department make it clear that not knowing the law is no excuse. S.A. Huda, additional DGP, controller of legal metrology, says, “Independent eateries are not authorised to charge anything above the MRP that is printed on a product. five-star hotels, multiplexes and malls are an exception as they have dual pricing policies. however, this should be clearly printed on the product’s label. In the event that an eatery is over-charging its customers, we impose a fine of Rs 2,000-Rs 5,000. If they repeat the offence, then a criminal case is lodged against the offender.”


Mainland China Rs 74
IndiJoes Rs 60
Cafe Mocha Rs 40
10Downing Street Rs 40
Zaffran Rs 50 to Rs 100

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 August 2009 09:07