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Discom snaps power in North, says corpn not paying dues

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The Indian Express                       26.03.2013

Discom snaps power in North, says corpn not paying dues

A dispute over unpaid dues has left residents of North Delhi in the dark with the North Delhi Power Limited (NDPL) deciding to snap the power supply to the area.

The power distribution company (discom) claims North Municipal Corporation owes it more than Rs 60 crore and is unwilling to make the payment. This, the discom said, forced it to take action and discontinue power supply.

As a result, parts of Ashok Vihar, Rohini, Civil Lines, Wazirabad and adjoining areas, plunged into darkness — including streets and common civic areas like community halls.

The NDPL has also threatened to cut power supply to all civic facilities starting Tuesday, if the payment is not made immediately.

The North corporation, however, does not agree with the NDPL claim of an outstanding bill of more than Rs 60 crore. Delhi-BJP chief Vijay Goel alleged that the step was an attack on the civil rights of the residents and had been taken at the behest of Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit.

"It is a matter of grave concern that such a step has been taken. This game is being played at the instance of the Chief Minister. It is pure blackmailing. As it is there are several dark stretches in many areas and severing electricity supply will give way to more crime," Goel said.

Goel said that to ensure that power supply was restored, he spoke to the NDPL authorities and assured them that the issue of unpaid dues will be resolved soon. "After the assurance, the NDPL has agreed to restore power supply on Tuesday," Goel said.

Till late Monday night, North Delhi streetlights did not have power supply.

NDPL spokesperson said the company was forced to take action. "We have been in talks with the corporation since September 2011, but they have not made any payments. We are a private company (and) we have to make payments for power supplied to these areas. For how long can we allow them to stall payments?" the spokesperson said.

North corporation Mayor Mira Aggarwal said, "This is a criminal offence. We are a civic agency and the power is meant for public utility. This is no way to settle a financial matter. The NDPL officials should have talked to us to reach a solution."

She pointed out that NDPL had also not paid property tax for its electricity sub-stations on civic agency land.

Corporation said NDPL restored power supply to the area late in the night. The two agencies have scheduled a meeting on Tuesday to discuss the payment of dues.