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Audit dept raps GLADA for ‘wasting’ Rs 44 lakh on LED streetlights

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The Indian Express              20.06.2013

Audit dept raps GLADA for ‘wasting’ Rs 44 lakh on LED streetlights

LED streetlight

The base on which pillars will be erected to install LED streetlights, along with the Ferozepur road in Ludhiana

The LED streetlights meant for the beautification of the city has actually been revealed to have burnt a hole in the pocket of the Greater Ludhiana Area Development Authority (GLADA).

GLADA had purchased 548 LED streetlights from M/S Phillips, Electronics India, Gurgaon at a rate of Rs 8,190 each, taking the total amount to Rs 44,88,120.

According to the audit report (a copy of which is with Newsline) by the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, Chandigarh, dated April 5 this year, which has been accessed by the Council of RTI Activists, Ludhiana, the department has slammed GLADA for 'blockade of funds to the extent of Rs 44.88 lakh for more than one year and also loss of interest to the tune of Rs 2,24,406 to GLADA (simple interest at rate of 5%).'

The audit report has also questioned GLADA on why the material could not be utilized so far for the work it was purchased.

The lights were received by GLADA on Jan 22, 2012 and payment was made to the supplier firm on February 14, 2012. Half of the warranty period for these lights, for which GLADA was given a warranty period of three years since Jan 22, 2012, had already ended while they lay in the store room of the GLADA office.

The audit department has rapped GLADA, demanding that 'the person responsible for untimely purchase without assessing the requirement and non completion of work on time' be intimated to the audit.

The lights were to be installed on the stretch of Ferozepur road from Sidhwan Canal bridge till the Municipal limits, the six laning for which is still on and work is lying incomplete.

However, the poles on which lights have to be perched can be seen installed on the stretch.

A GLADA officer, when contacted, however blamed the contractor. Shaadi Singh, head of the Divisional Electric Department, GLADA, said, "Actually the contractor doing the six laning of road delayed the work and thus there was a delay in installing lights. They will be installed very soon."