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VUDA main park to display jail history

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Deccan Chronicle          27.07.2013

VUDA main park to display jail history

Visakhapatnam: Vuda vice-chairman Dr N. Yuvaraj directed officials to gather all information about the old central jail to display it in the YSR Vuda Central Park coming up on its premises.

He was reviewing the progress of park works with the engineering and forest officials here on Thursday. The vice-chairman underlined the need to preserve the history of the old jail as it has a history of more than 100 years.

The information regarding the jail, he said, could evoke curiosity among the visitors and  general public. The important happenings in the jail, if put on display, will become another attraction in the park, Yuvaraj said.

He told officials to gather photographs, history and information on great personalities jailed in the central prison and keep them on display at Vuda office till the park takes shape and then shift it to the park.

Yuvaraj directed engineers to focus on completion of works for which tenders have already been finalised as per the schedule. Further, he instructed them to finalise the proposals and plans for works yet to be taken up.

He asked forest officials to take up plantation activity and develop greenery on the premises to make the place eco-rich.

Plantation along the jogging and cycling tracks, pathways and other identified locations has to be taken up immediately as the rainy season is still on, he said.

He also directed them to plan for green cover wherever civil works are not proposed in the park.