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Kumartuli rehab scheme: KMDA to order probe

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Indian Express   28.06.2010

Kumartuli rehab scheme: KMDA to order probe

Sreecheta Das Tags : Kumartuli rehab scheme, corporation, housing Posted: Sun Jun 27 2010, 03:36 hrs

 Kolkata:  The Kolkata Municipal Development Authority (KMDA) is likely to order a probe over the alleged anomalies in the distribution of flats to Kumartuli idol makers.

A senior KMDA official said that work on the rehabilitation scheme, a joint project of the state government and JNNURM, has stalled since locals agaitated a month ago alleging anomalies.

In a meeting held on Wednesday between local MLA Sadhan Pandey, KMDA chief executive officer Vivek Bharadwaj and chief engineer Anup Ghosh, it was decided that the authorities concerned will meet each complainant individually to address their complaints.

The area in question belongs to the state government and is governed by the Thika Tenancy Act. The Act defines two types of tenants — those who own a place are known as “thika tenants”, while those who stay in other’s places on rent are called “bharatiyas”. While the rules prescribe that people be given flats proportionate to the rooms they rent out, Babla Ray, secretary, Kumartuli Pally Unnayan Committee, accused the authorities of indulging in foul play.

KMDA chief engineer Anup Ghosh, however, said: “Two flats have been allotted per tenant and one flat per bharatiya. There is no room for any foul play.”

On reports of some tenants being allotted flats in violation of the agreements, KMDA Ghosh said: “We will thoroughly scan the documents with the Controller of Thika Tenancies. But that will take some time.”

Unhappy with the project, some local residents had staged a demonstration for nearly 50 days at a stretch. And while a few residents complained of unhygenic living conditions in the Baghbazar Public health godown, where they have been temporarily rehabilitated, The Indian Express team discovered an entirely different picture on its visit to the godown. Those rehabilitated have been given 10 ft x 8 ft rooms with supply of electricity and water throughout the day.

“I have some issues with the distribution of flats. But, living conditions here are quite good,” said Kamala Sau, a tenant whose house has been demolished for the project.

Last Updated on Monday, 28 June 2010 11:26

VMC’s claim of best water management award falls flat

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Indian Express     18.06.2010

VMC’s claim of best water management award falls flat

hitarthpandya Tags : corporation, best water management award Posted: Fri Jun 18 2010, 04:41 hrs

 Water management award

In a banner put up in January Vadodara Municipal Corporation had claimed of having won an award for water management.

Vadodara: This January, the Vadodara Municipal Corporation went overboard in announcing its achievement by putting up huge banners which read, ‘Ministry of Water Resources and UNESCO awarded Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan for Best Water Management and Remarkable Improvement in Distribution Network’. The banners also carried photograph of CM Narendra Modi, a trophy and certificate.

But the same award is now haunting senior VMC officials, as a reply to an application under the RTI Act by the Ministry of Water Resources (Indus Wing), New Delhi, has revealed that the ministry does not give such awards and that it is not even aware about it.

The application was filed by Vadodara senior citizen Prafful Desai, who also heads an NGO, Jaagte Raho. “I saw the hoarding while crossing the Khanderao Market, and was surprised because the ground reality was different. I asked the ministry on what grounds the award was given. The reply was ‘nil’. So, I filed another RTI application and in that the ministry categorically stated that no such award is given to VMC or any other corporation,” said Desai.

Vijay Pratap Singh, Chief Public Information Officer, Ministry of Water Resources (Indus Wing), said in his letter dated May 26: “Commission (Indus) is the Appellate Authority in respect of Indus Wing only and not in respect of the entire ministry. The information available in this wing has already been sent to you. It is, however, understood that the competition was not organised by this Ministry.”

Shailesh Mistry, Executive Engineer (Water Supply), said: “It is true that the award is not given by the Ministry of Water Resources and UNESCO. The organisers are basically a forum.”

According to the website of Water Digest and Water Awards (WDWA), ‘the WDWA platform was set up in 2006 to honor distinguished work carried out by various companies in order to save and conserve water. The award is supported by UNESCO and the Ministry of Water Resources of India’. VMC’s name is not mentioned anywhere in the website.


VMC’s claim of best water management award falls flat

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Indian Express     18.06.2010

VMC’s claim of best water management award falls flat

hitarthpandya Tags : corporation, best water management award Posted: Fri Jun 18 2010, 04:41 hrs

 Water management award

In a banner put up in January Vadodara Municipal Corporation had claimed of having won an award for water management.

Vadodara: This January, the Vadodara Municipal Corporation went overboard in announcing its achievement by putting up huge banners which read, ‘Ministry of Water Resources and UNESCO awarded Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan for Best Water Management and Remarkable Improvement in Distribution Network’. The banners also carried photograph of CM Narendra Modi, a trophy and certificate.


But the same award is now haunting senior VMC officials, as a reply to an application under the RTI Act by the Ministry of Water Resources (Indus Wing), New Delhi, has revealed that the ministry does not give such awards and that it is not even aware about it.


The application was filed by Vadodara senior citizen Prafful Desai, who also heads an NGO, Jaagte Raho. “I saw the hoarding while crossing the Khanderao Market, and was surprised because the ground reality was different. I asked the ministry on what grounds the award was given. The reply was ‘nil’. So, I filed another RTI application and in that the ministry categorically stated that no such award is given to VMC or any other corporation,” said Desai.

Vijay Pratap Singh, Chief Public Information Officer, Ministry of Water Resources (Indus Wing), said in his letter dated May 26: “Commission (Indus) is the Appellate Authority in respect of Indus Wing only and not in respect of the entire ministry. The information available in this wing has already been sent to you. It is, however, understood that the competition was not organised by this Ministry.”


Shailesh Mistry, Executive Engineer (Water Supply), said: “It is true that the award is not given by the Ministry of Water Resources and UNESCO. The organisers are basically a forum.”

According to the website of Water Digest and Water Awards (WDWA), ‘the WDWA platform was set up in 2006 to honor distinguished work carried out by various companies in order to save and conserve water. The award is supported by UNESCO and the Ministry of Water Resources of India’. VMC’s name is not mentioned anywhere in the website.


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