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MC conducts surprise check in mandi, vegetable sellers warned

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Indian Express     27.05.2010

MC conducts surprise check in mandi, vegetable sellers warned

Express News Service Tags : corporation, vegetable Posted: Thu May 27 2010, 00:22 hrs

Chandigarh:  A team from the Municipal Corporation today conducted a surprise check at the apni mandi in Sector 15. Councillors along with officials of the civic body and from the Weights and Measures Department visited the mandi in the evening.

The team asked customers to get the vegetables they had bought weighed. In some cases, it was found that the vegetables weighed less than what the customers had paid for. The vegetable sellers were also given warnings.

It was decided that three electronic weighing machines would be set up in the mandis where customers would be able to weigh vegetables bought free of cost.

In a meeting of the Apni Mandi and Day Market Committee held recently, it had been decided that only those sellers who have certified weights and measures would be issued slips to sell vegetables. They have been given time till June 7 to get certification.

It was further decided that at time of issuing slips, time would be mentioned on it and no slip would be issued after 5 pm.

The team also found three-wheelers parked inside the mandi. These were asked to be removed. It was stated that the vegetable and fruit sellers unload goods outside the market and three-wheelers would not be allowed.

The parking of vehicles outside the mandi was streamlined. All vehicles were parked on one side of the road so that there was no traffic chaos.

Chairman of the Apni Mandi Committee J S Kang and members MPS Chawla and Ram Sumer Morya were part of the team. Chawla said, “The aim was to educate the vegetable and fruit sellers to follow the norms. So only warning was issued. In case of any further violations, strict action would be taken.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 27 May 2010 11:25