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Reconsider kiosk agreement with pvt firm, citizens’ group to civic body

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Indian Express    08.06.2010

Reconsider kiosk agreement with pvt firm, citizens’ group to civic body

Express News Service Tags : kiosk establish Posted: Tue Jun 08 2010, 03:49 hrs

 Pune:  The Sajag Nagrik Manch has urged the civic administration to reconsider its agreement with a private company for running the multi-utility kiosk establish in various parts of the city.

Manch president Vivek Velankar said the PMC has signed an agreement with a private company to start 150 kiosks in the city where citizens can pay their bills and taxes.

Apart from providing space, the PMC will be paying Rs 14,700 per kiosk and the electricty charges. The kiosk will run from 8 am to 8 pm.

The kiosks only collect property tax payments and on an average only 150 bills are payed at the kiosks, he said adding the civic body is incurring charges of Rs 120 per bill.

The company has now started putting up advertisements at the kiosks while the civic body is getting only five per cent of it, Velankar said. The advertisement at kiosks should be removed immediately and the agreement of allowing advertisement should be cancelled, he demanded

There were plans to extend the services provided at the Citizens’ Facilitation Centres like collecting electricity bills and telephone bills. The PMC was also looking for a possibility wherein citizens can file their regular applications for civic services at the kiosks.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 08 June 2010 09:58