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Snarl-up outside Sector-15 market continues

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Indian Express    10.06.2010

 Snarl-up outside Sector-15 market continues


Express News Service Tags : traffic, vehicle Posted: Thu Jun 10 2010, 02:04 hrs

Chandigarh: Haphazardly parked vehicles and chaos on roads was witnessed as apni mandi was held in Sector 15 today.


Vehicles were parked on the either side of the road making it difficult for commuters to pass. In fact, this situation is witnessed at most places where mandis are held on one weekday or the oher.


The mandis are held in different sectors on each day of the week. Near the sites where mandis are held, it is common to witness traffic jams.


People tend to park wherever convenient and lack of checks ensure that people will continue to do this.


A team from Municipal Corporation had conducted checks at the Sector 15 mandi two weeks ago. The team had found numerous irregularities in the mandi. The team suggested that there was a need to streamline the parking in the area so that commuters do not face a problem.


However, just two weeks after the checks the same situation persisted today. A number of vendors also tend to sell their fruits and vegetables along the road.


Councillor MPS Chawla, who is a member of the Apni Mandi and Day Market Committee of the Municipal Corporation and was part of the team that conducted the check, said they had found the situation to be very chaotic when they had visited the area.