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Dy mayor conducts inspections

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The Times of India      29.06.2010

Dy mayor conducts inspections

BANGALORE: BBMP deputy mayor N Dayanand inspected the deplorable conditions at a BBMP school and a maternity hospital at Moodalpalya on Monday.

The high school boasted of an impressive student strength and 52% result but the both the school and the PU college at Byraveshwaranagar had no proper staff and lacked space.
Even the textbooks for the new academic year were yet to be distributed. Dayanand ordered the staff to take immediate action on these issues.

During his visit to the Moodalpalya BBMP maternity hospital, lack of cleanliness, shortage of medicines and staff crunch irked the deputy mayor.

He directed officials to immediately distribute Madilu and Janani Suraksha Kits among pregnant mothers.
Meanwhile, at a meeting in the BBMP headquarters on Monday, Dayanand held a discussion with officials on ways and means to improve BBMP schools.