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Work set to begin soon on EWS Quarters

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The New Indian Express  30.09.2010

Work set to begin soon on EWS Quarters

BANGALORE: The residents of economically weaker sections (EWS) Quarters in Ejipura finally have something to cheer. With the court finally directing BBMP to go ahead with the contract awarded to Maverick Holdings and Investments Private Limited to construct permanent shelters for residents of the colony, the civic body has decided to get the work started.

In 2006, BBMP had awarded the contract for constructing the quarters to Maverick Holdings as the plan and design submitted by Akruti City, the highest bidder for the contract, was faulty and was not in accordance with the specifications mentioned in the tender.

Therefore, Akruti City had filed a writ petition requesting the court to direct BBMP to award the contract to them for being the highest bidders, though the BBMP had followed all the formalities including getting the contract approved in the council. The High Court dismissed the case and directed BBMP to go ahead with the contract and to construct proper shelters for residents of the quarters.

BBMP Commissioner Siddaiah said, “The aggrieved party may go for an appeal. Therefore, we will file a caveat and enter into a contract with Maverick Holdings, after presenting it in the council. We will ensure that the work is started at the earliest.”

Now, over 600 families and 5,000 residents of the quarters are living in makeshift tin sheds and thatched roof sheds. As the quarters are situated near a storm water drain, water enters the quarters, whenever it rains. Due to lack of proper sanitation, the quarters remains damp many days after the rain.  

According to the terms specified in the contract, Maverick Holdings has to construct 640 houses and the builder can develop 13.5 lakh square feet of commercial land adjacent to the quarters and collect the revenue generated, after paying a specified sum to BBMP for 30 years.

Managing Director of Maverick Holdings and Investments Private Limited BG Uday said, “We will construct six floor structures and this will be the first EWS quarters in the city with elevators. Each house will be of 360 square feet dimension and we will provide the best possible facilities.”

Last Updated on Thursday, 30 September 2010 07:13