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Civic bodies get tips on saving water, power

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The Times of India                      19.10.2010

Civic bodies get tips on saving water, power

KANPUR: The engineers of Jal Sansthan and Kanpur Nagar Nigam were trained on how to save water and electricity as part of a programme for water and sewerage utility providers held here on Tuesday.

The programme organised by
World Wildlife Federation (WWF) in association with HSBC highlighted a series of no-cost, low-cost, medium-cost and high-cost initiatives that could be implemented to bring about efficiency in water supply and sewerage system of Kanpur.

WWF has worked on river restoration in the past and has also developed a programme for the river Ganga called `Living Ganga'. Energy conservation expert, Juvekar, while addressing the engineers and others, said that ICLEI,
South Asia with support from WWF, India had conducted a detailed energy audit of the water and waste systems in the city of Kanpur. The study was conducted through detailed audit of pumping stations. It was found that there were several factors responsible for high cost and low output.

In a study paper, the energy conservation expert detailed them about the do's and don'ts for enhancing the efficiency of water supply in the city.

Anjana Pant, head,
Environment, Living Ganga programme, WWF, India, presented an overview of the project and its vision to position Kanpur as model city in the Ganga Basin. An information booklet on measuring/analysing/improving water and energy co-management in Kanpur and a poster was released by Umakant Tripathi, additional municipal commissioner I of Kanpur Nagar in presence of Ratan Lal, general manager, Kanpur Jal Sansthan; B K Singh secretary, Kanpur Jal Sansthan; Dr Glyn Davies, programme director, WWF, UK; Dr Sejal Worah, programme director WWF, India, and others.

Tripathi said that Kanpur Nagar Nigam was committed to reducing water and energy footprint of the city on the Ganga river system. He expressed confidence that the initiatives would go a long way in scaling up sustainable water and energy management solutions and recommendations in Kanpur.

Ratan Lal, general manager, Jal Sansthan, assured the implementation of energy conservation tips and claimed that such training programmes are great platform for the engineers to learn about energy conservation and water energy co-management. He also said that training programme would surely help Jal Sansthan to reduce the electricity bills in water supply as well as sewerage system.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 20 October 2010 11:26